On top of that, how pretty is the artwork in the background?

...and the landscape...

...and the rings, and the jewelry, and the landscape, etc, etc, etc...
(Harper's Bazaar Indonesia, November 2010: "7 Days in Tibet".)

(From French, fall/winter 2010-11.)
This is jewelry from Amrita Singh, which I'm SERIOUSLY coveting, especially the bangles! They're $100 for each set, which isn't a bad price at all considering they're real and gorgeous, but I just can't spend that on jewelry right now, haha...*sigh*

I can't decide which bangle set is my favourite, what do you guys think? If there weren't the white bands in the first picture, the first set would definitely be my favourite, but I'm not sure...

Speaking of swimsuits, I really need to start working out so I look good in bikinis when I go to Florida...the last few weeks I've been pigging out because of all the stress I've been under with school, I really need to curb that habit, it happens every time...

(Elle US, November 2010, "Synchronized Swimming".)
These are pictures from a Bollywood movie called "Dil Bole Hadippa". I'm not sure what that means, but apparently it's a Bollywood twist on She's the Man/Twelfth Night by Shakespeare, but with a better-looking cast, in my opinion. I've been scouring the net
(sorry if the pictures are awkward and bad quality, I only found a few official pictures so I had to screencap them from youtube...)

(Look at her vest. It's a beautiful vest in front, but from what I can tell, it ties kind of like a bikini in back, so around the middle of her back and around her neck. I find that insanely cool, for some reason...)

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